Top Social Media Marketing Tips For 2017 – Social Media Minute

Looking to Increase followers or more engagement with Social Media? This is Social Media Minute. With these Social Media Minutes we try and give you a bit of advice to help with your social media campaigns.

Here’s our top advice of 2017. Number one, live video is gonna be big. Live and real-time events, whether it’s on Instagram, on YouTube, on Snapchat, on Facebook, go do live content.

Number two is video. Video has become huge over the last two years. And video monetization is also coming. For the media organization, influencers, and celebrities, this is gonna mean big stuff. What does that mean for brands? Those online social media celebrities and influencers are gonna have a better way to monetize their own content. You’ll have to get to them in a different way.

Number three, mobile games. Facebook launched the instant games format which is playable straight to the newsfeed. With the original flash games, you can now actually make little HTML5 minigames and put them straight on social media and the newsfeed. That’s very exciting.

Next up is using multiple formats. Social media channels like Instagram, which was previously photos, are now photos, videos, live videos etc. Facebook’s status updates have gone to a wide range of statuses including 360, different VR experiences, 360 video and even soon 360 live video.

So you have to engage in these multiple formats, as well as number five, the stories format. Snapchat has invented that stories format. But since then, Instagram and even Messenger have “borrowed” that format and created it in their own, which is gonna be much bigger at their scale. Brands should look at launching those stories out of multiple of these channels.

Stories is a great way to engage an audience in a very quick way. They’re 24-hour formats. You have to publish them more frequently. If you do it, focus on doing it in the right way. So those are the top tips of 2017. Good luck and let’s do a quick review at the end of the year..

As found on Youtube

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