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PRACTICE, don’t “workout”….

OK, so back to world class athletes.

Let’s take a look at another sport that involves a high level of athleticism and skill…gymnastics.

Male gymnasts are some of the leanest, fittest athletes on the planet. Were they born with abs that you can wash your laundry on and arms that can…?

Absolutely not.

What they do to get ripped and balanced physiques doesn’t involve them training twice per week and swinging on a set of rings for hours at a time until their arms fell off.

(Doesn’t that sound like what most people think they should do at a gym – go in and work as hard as they can and then not go back until the soreness in their bodies goes away a few days after?)

That’s called “working out” and that’s NOT something you should do on a regular basis if you want to get rid of fat and KEEP IT OFF for the rest of your life.

Let me say that again in simpler terms…

Instead, gymnasts practice as often as they can to get exceptional at the skill and technique involved with gymnastics.

Then, their bodies adapt to their training by dropping body fat and building muscle and they become better at handling their bodyweight as resistance.

Read that again please…

“… their bodies adapt to their training by dropping body fat AND building lean muscle and they become better at handling their bodyweight as resistance”

They NEVER train to failure.

They NEVER train to induce vomiting.

They NEVER train to chase numbers.

They have ripped abs and are, pound-for-pound, the strongest athletes in the world – gymnasts and dancers alike.

They have bodies like these because…

  1. They PRACTICE on a regular basis.
  2. They NEVER train to muscular failure and
  3. They secretly use the MxT Method – The Secret to Advanced Fat Loss

…And mastering the MxT method is a simple process that you just need to practice and learn.

Once you learn the MxT Method – The Secret to Advanced Fat Loss – you can take the simplest of exercises, and turn them into an incinerating, metabolically demanding challenge that will have you gaining strength and incidentally burning fat all day long.

But first, let’s understand that I’m not talking about having you do some type of brutal 
“Workout Of The Day” where you have no idea what the end goal is other than making you puke.

The type of training I’m talking about does not involve using variety to “keep your muscles guessing”.

And I’m NOT down with having you do endless reps where you can’t see the end of the workout in sight.

You can’t “chase reps” because it simply doesn’t work for long term fat loss.

You can’t work out longer, increasing cortisol – the stress hormone that makes you fat.

And you shouldn’t train “balls to wall” all the time and expect to get leaner because you’ll release free radicals (cancer inducing compounds that make you weaker) into your blood stream.

Now this DOES NOT mean that I’m giving you carte blanche to take it easy.

This doesn’t mean that you don’t work hard.

You just have to be smart about it and use a plan that strategically incorporates The Secret MxT Method with a logical and proven form of resistance.

And that’s where the Kettlebell comes in.

By using the MxT Method of training, you can now apply THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR TO ADVANCED FAT LOSS to the most versatile (and cost effective) home gym available in the world today – a kettlebell.

By learning how to apply The MxT Method to kettlebell training, you can take your fat loss to Advanced Levels and get the body of an athlete…

WITHOUT having to dedicate your entire existence to the pursuit of a sport.

In fact, if you adopt the PRACTICE, don’t “work out” ideal that I’ll teach you, you’ll be able to burn fat faster and easier than you ever thought possible…

…Just like an athlete.

“But hold on, Chris, I’m in pretty good shape. I can do 20 push-ups”

The problem with “conventional” fat loss programs is that they’re all about chasing reps.

They force you to do countless reps over and over again so that you’re chasing a burn.

But this only means that you’ll be able to do more reps further pushing your ability to tolerate “the burn”.

Simply put, “chasing reps” – trying to do more and more, over and over again – has NOTHING to do with THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR TO ADVANCED FAT LOSS.

Let me show you what I mean…

Drop down to the floor and do those 20 push-ups, BUT…

-Pull your knee caps up into your hips by contracting your thigh muscles as tight as you can, then

-Squeeze your butt cheeks together like you’re trying to hold onto a $100 bill, then

-Brace your abs so hard as if you’re about to get punched in the gut by a prized-MMA fighter, then

-Flare your lats (the muscles behind your arm pits) like you’re trying to sprout wings

And finally…

-Take a deep breathe in and push it down deep into your core and push your tongue to the roof of your mouth and seep air in and out – like your tongue is the valve on an inflated tire

…NOW do your push-ups…BUT think about gripping the floor and pulling yourself towards it and then, instead of just “pushing up”, think about pushing the floor away from your body.

“Hiss” bits of air in and out, but DO NOT fully let go of that very first breathe until you’ve completed your set.

…AND Make sure that every rep looks perfect, exactly like your first rep.

Were you able to get 20?

If you were, was it easy?

Did you feel every muscle in your body “light up” while you were doing it?

That’s just a small glimpse of applying The MxT Method to an exercise as simple as a push-up.

You’re using nerve force – TENSION – to light up muscles that you probably didn’t even know could be used in doing a push-up.

The more muscle you use, the more metabolically demanding the exercise becomes.

The more metabolically demanding an exercise, the more fat it will burn.

MxT = The Single Most Important Factor = ADVANCED FAT LOSS

Even a simple exercise like a push-up is turned into fat incinerating feat if you apply the tools that I will teach you.

That’s the difference between using The MxT Method of training and just chasing reps for the sake of getting a number.

Big deal you can do 20 push-ups or even 10 chin-ups.

The question is…

Are you doing those exercises correctly and in such a way that you are inducing the absolute best fat burning response possible?

Are you doing those exercises the same way athletes would PRACTICE them?

That is…Are you doing them perfectly, using the MxT method and never, EVER training to failure?

The Problem With Most Fat Loss Programs…

Have you ever bought a program, dove into it, got your butt handed to you and – maybe – even lost some weight only to stop a few weeks later because the time commitment was too great?

After all, training 6-days-per-week and sweating your butt off would cause anyone to lose weight…up to a certain point.

Then, what happens a few weeks after?

Usually a combination of THREE Things Happen…

  1. You quit because the workouts took up too much time.
  2. You try to keep going and get more and more frustrated and angry because your fat loss has come to a grinding halt.
  3. Because of the high frequency and volume of repetitions involved in these types of workout, YOU GET INJURED – and that COMPLETELY stalls your fat loss progress.

You were putting in the same effort, but for little to NO RETURN whatsoever.

There you are spinning your wheels again.

The truth is that 99% of fat loss programs like the one I mentioned above DO NOT WORK because they fail to address the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR in determining whether you remain feeling frustrated, defeated and downright angry OR if you finally – once and for all – drop that spill-over-your-belt gut…

So what is THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR to Advanced Fat Loss?


Or more specifically, The SKILL of Strength…

That’s right, STRENGTH is a skill that needs to be practiced and it’s probably the limiting factor that is preventing you from having the body of an athlete.

STRENGTH is the hidden key that every hotshot trainer on TV and phony infomercial program does not incorporate into their training.

Why? Because it’s IMPOSSIBLE to get stronger training at 110% intensity Every-Single-Day.

In the same way that you have to use a Macro-Rhythm Style of eating to burn fat, you have to use a similar type of rhythm in your kettlebell practice to get STRONG.

And the cutting edge way to getting stronger is so simple that it’s not glamourous and has no sex appeal.

It’s a truth in the fitness industry that everyone forgets about.

“Alright Chris, you’ve got my attention. But how can I get an athlete’s body if I don’t have the time to practice strength everyday?…”

Well, even though you don’t have “the time” – remember I know what you mean, I’ve got 5 kids – you can still get an athlete’s body in a fraction of the time with a properly designed fat loss program that emphasizes being STRONGFirst…

What you need is a program routed in athletic training principles – STRENGTH – but designed specifically for ADVANCED FAT LOSS.

“Introducing The Complete Kettlebell Evolution Advanced Fat Loss System by Chris Lopez, SFGII…”

Component 1: The Kettlebell Evolution Advanced Fat Loss Manual (Value $49)

This is your go-to guide to using the kettlebell for Advanced Fat Loss. Learn the MxT Method, understand why simple is better and read about how to utilize this program to its maximum fat burning potential.

Essential Ab

Component 2: The Kettlebell Evolution Follow Along Session Videos (Value $49)

Now you can follow-along with the training sessions in the comfort of your own home. Watch and do the videos with me on your computer, iPad, iPhone or iPod (or on any smartphone) and never miss a set or rep.

Exercise Video Library

Component 3: The Kettlebell Evolution Video Exercise Library (Value $39)

For more intricate descriptions of the exercises you’ll be doing and to “tighten up” your form, you’ll get access to the Exercise Video Library where I’ll take you through any and all of the little nuances and details of each exercise so you can maximize the fat burning effect of each one.


Component 4: The Macro-Rhythm Eating Manual (Value $27)

They say that “You Can’t Out-Train a Donut”, and so this is your guide to the style of eating that bests suits your lifestyle. If you followed this manual alone, you’d drop fat like melted butter.


Component 5: The Kettlebell Evolution Training & Transformation Journal (Value $27)

This is the Ultimate Tool to your body transformation. This comprehensive journal will outline exactly what you should be doing – Day-by-Day – so that you stay on track with your goals and never miss a step. You’ll chart your progress, track your training sessions and make sure you stay on-course with your Macro-Rhythm eating.


Component 6: The Kettlebell Evolution Quick Start MP3 Audio Guide (Value $27)

Don’t miss a step and get started with your Kettlebell Evolution right away. Just download the Quick Start MP3 to your iPhone or MP3 player and get all your immediate questions answered.

Kettlebell Evolution Video Exercise Library

If you were to hire me as your trainer for 12 Weeks to transform your body the way The Kettlebell Evolution Advanced Fat Loss Program can and has for many of my one-on-one clients, it would cost you over $5000 at my current rate of $150/hr.

That doesn’t even include your flight costs to get to Toronto (where I live and work), your accommodations, all the Organic food and groceries you’d have to buy and the other living costs.

When you add it all up, you’d be spending more that $10,000 to achieve the results by using the techniques in The Kettlebell Evolution Advanced Fat Loss System.

If you add up the cost of the manuals and videos above, the complete face value of The Kettlebell Evolution Advanced Fat Loss System is over $230 – a fraction of what you’d have to pay if you hired me one-on-one.

But my mission is to show as many people as I can that the kettlebell is an incredibly powerful tool for achieving an athletic looking physique that not only looks great, but performs as well.

And I’m so motivated to get this program in your hands, that I don’t want you to pay anywhere near it’s $230 value.

In fact, I’d like to sweeten the pot even more and make this a no-brainer for you…

There’s More Good News! You’ll also get these exclusive bonuses when you order The Kettlebell Evolution Advanced Fat Loss System today…

I really want to make sure that you’re getting the best value, and I want to make sure that you master all the techniques and exercises involved with Hardstyle Kettlebell Training.

So I’m including these exclusive bonuses to ensure that you achieve success…

Here is the ESSENTIAL Bonus Package You’ll Receive…

Bonus #1: The Hardstyle Kettlebell Essentials Manual (Value $39)

In the HardStyle Kettlebell world, we preach safety as part of our training. Making sure that you’ve got perfect form on your lifts is essential to mastering MxT. With the HardStyle Essentials Manual, you’ll have a step-by-step guide to all 6 of the core kettlebell exercises. Tighten up your form, maximize your results!


Bonus #2: The Hardstyle Kettlebell Essentials Video Guide ($49)

Some people are both visual & auditory learners and with the accompanying video guide to the Hardstyle Kettlebell Essentials manual you’ll be able to get even more cues and tricks to make the form on your kettlebell exercises perfect allowing you to maximize strength and power for full fat burning potential.


Bonus #3: Accelerated 10-Minute Kettlebell Training Plug-In ($39)

Don’t have time to get your regular sessions in? Use this Plug-In Workout Manual to replace those days that you really just don’t have the time. Each session in the manual is designed as a legit substitute for your Advanced Fat Loss training sessions, but you’ll be done in 10-minutes or less.

The Essential Ab Guide

Bonus #4: The Essential Ab Guide ($49)

I hate the word “core”. But truth be told, having a strong mid-section is the “core” of your performance. With the Essential Ab Training Guide, you’ll get an everyday ab program that will ensure that your entire body can withstand any type of training. Having a strong set of abs will take your strength and fat loss training to the next level.


As you can see, if you were to add up the entire bonus package, it’s total value is $176. But I KNOW that having these bonuses will accelerate your results beyond measure, so I’m just going to give them to you.

If you add the value of the ESSENTIALS Bonus Package ($176) with the value of The Kettlebell Evolution Advanced Fat Loss System ($232) you’ll get a total value of over $400 ($408 to be exact)!

Now because I know your body transformation using The Kettlebell Evolution System is so crucial not only for you but the thousands of others that you’ll inspire, I have decided to offer the Entire System and the ESSENTIAL Bonuses for only a fraction of what it’s worth.

For a Limited Time ONLY, Customers of

Bodyweight Burn Receive 62% OFF Chris Lopez, SFGII’s Kettlebell Evolution Advanced Fat Loss System


Bodyweight Burn Receive 62

So Here’s The Straight Up #TRUTH…

If you have access and the resources ($$$) to work with a trainer that is able to get both athletes and average folks like you and me the results that they desire, then you should work with that person.

In my experience though, most trainers just put you through a “workout” and make you “feel” like you’ve done something. There aren’t many trainers that can actually DESIGN A PROGRAM – with logical progression and systemic days of varying intensity and effort – that will not only deliver results but that will make you healthier in the process.

This is different…this will not only allow you to achieve your fat loss goals, but will make you stronger and more athletic…and it gives you the ability to do so in the comfort of your own home – using just a single kettlebell and your bodyweight.

It’s about time you cut through the fluff and lies that the mass market fitness industry feeds you.

Take control of your results (and your life) and start using your kettlebell (and your body) to its maximum potential TODAY.

For a Limited Time ONLY, Customers of

Bodyweight Burn Receive 62% OFF Chris Lopez, SFGII’s Kettlebell Evolution Advanced Fat Loss System


Chris Lopez

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