Niche Blueprint 2.0 – Massive Conversions

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If You Are Fed Up Of Inhaling The Vile Stench Eminating
From The Lairs Of The Scamsters Selling Ridiculous ‘One
Click’ Software Products, Then Read The Following Letter
VERY Carefully – because…

We Are
Going To Reveal How To Make *Great Money* With Affiliate
Marketing Using A Step-By-Step Formula From Which We
Have Generated Over
$2 Million Dollars
Net Profit In
The Past 4 Years!


But first, before we go into details… I’ve gotta’ get something off my chest,
because this insanity has gone on way too long…

I am sick to death of all the rubbish that is
being sold online at the moment

You know, those ‘one-click to riches’ software scams…

…Their devious ‘power point’ presentations and
ridiculous sales copy stories that are conjured up out of
thin air.

…Their fake earnings screenshots and fancy graphics
that disorientate unsuspecting visitors into purchasing their

…The way they pass their buyers’ information on to
‘boiler room’ call centers’ to extract every last cent
of credit they have in return for a rock-bottom
‘coaching’ program.

This disease has been infecting the internet for far
too long
, it makes the bubonic plague seem like a
Christmas present – and now is the time when…

has got to STOP!

What’s most vile of all is each of these
products are almost identical in their marketing and
sales angle as well as what they say…

*** “How people are misleading you” ….
“how WE are sick of the paid actors”… “how the internet
marketing industry is getting destroyed”
THEN: “…today I’m going to show you some software
that actually works!!!” ***

Gimme a BREAK.

It’s the same EVERY time. Have they got
NO imagination??

It’s hard to believe that it’s been allowed to go on so long.

So what is the solution?

What is the way out?

Well, luckily for you, we have it – and believe me:


is NOT what you are expecting…

We are going back to basics.

We’re gonna’ get all ‘primal’…

We are going to reveal
how to cut through ALL the BS and make REAL
money online.

And the best news is this:

We are NOT going to show you ANY ‘proof of earnings’
screenshots OR testimonials.

Not a single one.

Do we have ’em?

Yes — plenty, thanks.

What good will they do you?


…All they will do is prove that WE make money – and in
the real world, that’s not going to help YOU one
little bit

Look, if you have been ‘pre-trained’ to see these kinda’
things and
won’t read another word of this page because of their ‘no-show’, (not
to mention the no-show of fancy graphics, shiny objects
and all the rest of those psychological tricks), then this
may not be the place for you.

If that is the case, then I bid you a friendly goodbye.


If you want to start pointing in a new direction… a
direction that will actually help you begin
making real internet monies’, then…

ead the
following 3 points VERY carefully…


If you got to this page via your first
searches about the easiest way to make money
on the internet –
then you are in the right place.


If you have been badly treated by all the
scum buckets out there with their flashy
hyped up sales letters selling dreams, only
to desert you as soon as they have got their
hands on your cash, then you are also in
the right place


If you are looking for another string to
your existing online business or want to
enhance the revenue and results
that you are already getting, then you are ALSO
in the right place


Well, let me explain who we are…

And I’m going to keep this simple.

We’ve been making money online since 2005

We make more than $1 million per year
online – NET PROFIT

We’ve been teaching others to do the same
since 2008

If you have bought any of our products in the past – IMA,
Niche Blueprint, Commisson Blueprint 1.0 & 2.0, Blueprint
Black, Imeye and so on, you know that we deliver stuff
that WORKS.

…if you have never heard of us, it doesn’t matter –
just check out our Blueprint Forum (Google it) and see what the
20,000+ members have to say. It’s all the proof you

We also have a ton of success stories. In

As a result of using our methods, some people are
generating $50K per year… some $100K…many $200K. A
select few are doing $1million+

Of course, many haven’t made a dime, which is
unfortunate, but that’s just the way the world works.
Some people just ‘get it’. Others don’t.

But anyone can… IF they work at it.

So let’s cut to the chase…

What do YOU need to make money online?

Well, first, let me tell you what you don’t need
– and what you should avoid at all costs if you want to make
great money with affiliate marketing in today’s

One-click software.

Auto-generated content.

Auto-generated affiliate website systems. – the one’s
where you fill in the blanks with your Clickbank ID and
other stuff – so it can create review pages that
compare products (usually in the Clickbank market

You’d have more chance of digesting a hippo than you
would making money with any of that tripe.

They don’t work, they never did.. never
will… and if you think about it for a second, it is
totally logical why this is the case…

Let me ask you a question…

What’s the main aim of any Internet Marketer?

By definition, an Internet Marketer is anyone who is
marketing something online, whether that be me…
Bank of America… Walmart… Stan and Stacy’s local
mart… who ever.

Here’s the answer…

The aim is to get:

Free organic traffic through the search engines,
specifically Google.

So logically, the next question must be this:

What does Google want to see from a website in order to
rank it high up in its search rankings?

Aside from backlinks and a number of other things, they
want to see high quality sites, with depth and unique
content, which
deliver a good user experience

….And what do these auto-generated one-click affiliate
sites that I was talking about a moment ago deliver?

Bad quality sites with duplicate
content and which deliver a BAD user experience!!!

…and this is exactly the problem with the junk and mis-information
that you see in ‘other’ products.

They are
TEACHING you HOW to destroy your money making affiliate
business before you’ve even started.

(…and they weren’t even telling you how to build a
business in the first place!)

When it comes down to it, affiliate marketing
DOES work.

It works
REALLY well.

…It is VERY possible to make a lot of money
with it, no matter what level of experience you have.

But it has to be done RIGHT…. Right from the
get go.

Therefore it stands to reason that you need to stay well
away from these ‘other systems’, and instead, get your
hands on a simple, powerful PROVEN affiliate system that

That is EXACTLY what Commission Blueprint Evolution is.

It is something that has the capabilities to
be scaled into a business that makes thousands of dollars daily –
(NOT one where
you’ll see a few hundred dollars sporadically.)

It is a system where you can build up good quality
websites, generate
(massive) passive income from them – and then sell on for five, six (even seven) figures.
(if you want to)

It is a system from which the income starts – and
then lasts for ever.

It’s about targeting the right audiences with
the right offers, setting up the websites correctly,
getting people to visit the websites via
good, targeted search engine visibility.

It is also about building real online assets whilst
raking in large
commission checks

Plus, it works for any type of affiliate marketing and
with any network –
Whether that be:
Clickbank, Amazon, Adsense, Ebay Partner Network,
Commission Junction, CPA
and so on.

Simply put – it is about following a simple set of rules, sticking to
those rules and implementing a proven process.

But you have to do the whole thing properly – in every

In order to succeed, you need to follow our lead without deviation.

internet marketer

So what are you going to
receive when you download ‘Commission Blueprint
Evolution’ today?

Firstly, we’re going to hand you the main Commission
Blueprint Evolution workbook – A step by step manual
that could enable you to quit your day job in a matter
of weeks! (The harder you work, the faster that’ll

This 115 page manual is filled with PURE content showing you exactly
how to replicate our methods to the tee to maximise your
chances of

Then, you are going to get 9 full length
instructional videos
that will take you through
specific techniques from the manual which will propel
you to bank by laying out the processes in an easy to
copy fashion.

Then, (and a little ironically), we are also going to give you software
that will enhance your results.

With this
software, however, there are two crucial differences to the chump
that you have seen and have been sold before.


This software has a purpose – and it works.


It wasn’t written by a “crack team of
Russian ninja programmers”, or a “dead
(previously blackmailed) Clickbank guru”… 
etc etc

This is exclusive “in-house” software we
personally use to make tens of thousands of dollars each week

Let’s be clear…

Here’s what you don’t need for this to work:

You don’t need experience.

You don’t need a product of your own.

You don’t need money to spend on

You don’t need any technical knowledge.

Here’s what you DO need:

Drive and determination.

A will to succeed.

And the realization that you WILL have to do
some work if you want to start making money.

If that ‘work’ part scares you… then you have got to change the
way you think – fast.

Think for a minute of some of the most successful people in the world –
Branson, Gates, Trump – etc

Do you honestly you think they are where they are by ‘clicking a
mouse’ or by taking shortcuts… by being on an endless ‘dream’ vacation?


The reality is that they LOVE what they do and
they LOVE working.

Just like we do… just like the people who we have
taught in the past who are now making a butt ton of money.

So here’s the thing…

And sit up and take note of this one…

Want to make money online?

get rich?

Then you have got to embrace the work. You’ve gotta’
enjoy it.

You HAVE to love it…

…and believe me, when you follow this system and see the commission checks start
piling up, you will have no choice in the matter.

You WILL be hooked.

So how much money should you expect to make using the
strategies in Commission Blueprint Evolution???

I’m going to be realistic…

I’m NOT going to deceive you by
coughing up a bunch of hypothetical calculations that
state ‘potential’ earnings.

Let’s get real for a moment.

How much you make is ENTIRELY down to how carefully and
systematically you follow the system.

We make a boat load of money using this formula…

Many others do too.

Whether you make 0 or $10,000 per month
(or more), is up to one person – YOU.

Essentially, the closer you follow our lead, the more you’ll make.

So stop wasting time…

Get on the other side and we’ll show you what to do.

Commission Blueprint Evolution is just $47 (a one
payment for life time access)
…and there is a 60 day money back guarantee as well.
In other words, if you’re not happy just email us and we will give you
your money back immediately.

To sum up, here’s the deal…

You are going to get the 115 page Commission
Blueprint Evolution Manual.

You are going to get the 9 part video series
that sets out the methods in a clear and
easy to follow fashion.

You are going to get our custom built
software that will magnify your chances of

You’ll skirt around all the crap out there
and follow a Proven Blueprint which
will show you the quickest and smartest way
to make money online with affiliate
marketing – and exactly what steps you need
to take.

You’ll be shown you how to duplicate the formula we
have used to generate over $2 million (net profit) with
affiliate marketing in the past 4 years.

Click the button below and we’ll be on the other side,
waiting to get you started.

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