First Launch Profits

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Deciding to create this educational marketing platform was very simple, once I had locked my eyes on just what was driving me. I don’t want to retract from my message, by sharing the age-long tale of how I grew bored of the mundane ordinary methods of making a living and spending my life.

Instead I am going to speed forward to what I had started doing right before launching this online course. You see, before this, I had spent four years spending time, effort, and finances on trying to master the art of making money online.

It wasn’t until spending an uninspiring amount of money in this pursuit, that I finally realized

I had the right idea but the wrong approach.

I kept avoiding making the larger commitments, fearing the risk of losing, and was opting for the “corner cutting” or the more conventional “safe” options, ironically losing more than what I had initially thought I would lose by committing to those “heavy hitter” plans/sites I was dodging. So, I decided to bite the proverbial bullet, and invested in my own online coaching/mentorship.

After investing the $2,500.00, I delved in and learned how to create information products. It taught me how to create an “information product”. While I was working on making sure I got the most out of the e-coaching and knowledge provided, I was a bit doubtful regarding just how much this would pay off in the long run. I’m proud to say it did, having earned my first $5,000.00 after six months of applying myself and applying the skillsets won from these coaching and mentorship programs.

It wasn’t some insane luck of the draw that helped me make that first $5K, but rather applying the simple skillsets gained, towards creating my first product (simple templates). With the creation of the said templates, I made that initial $5K. Granted, that is a humble stash, compared to Hollywood-based standards (*ahem* looking at You, Kardashian Clan!) but considering that most people fail to launch, let alone make any money at all, should speak for itself.

Knowing what I know and finding for myself that the source of success wasn’t solely designed for a selected few, I found myself wanting to share my knowledge. I want to pay this forward. I am willing and able to successfully help beginners in launching their own endeavors, one dreamt up product at a time.

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