Dumbbell Domination

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Am I fit enough? This sounds tough! 

You’re right – these workouts are tough! However, one of my favorite things about Dumbbell Domination is that each workout gives you lots of choice.

You get to choose how to put your workout together by picking from Level 1, 2, or 3 for each movement. You also have a range of rounds to choose from for most of the workouts. 

I encourage you to listen to your body and ease into it to see how it feels, but I can assure you that there is a level that will work for anyone! 

What equipment do I need? 

For the majority of the workouts, all you need is a pair of dumbbells. There are a couple of workouts that give you the option to use either a step, bench, or similar, but it’s not mandatory. 

Where can I purchase inexpensive dumbbells? 

I got my dumbbells from a local second-hand sporting goods store and they were very inexpensive. Walmart also has great prices on dumbbells, and they sometimes offer free shipping online. 

Which weight of dumbbells do I need?

Beginners: 10 – 15lb 

Intermediate/Advanced: 20 – 30lb

It would be optimal to have two pairs

One pair that is a bit lighter, and one pair that is a bit heavier

But, if you only have one pair that will work just fine.

The weight of dumbbells that you need will depend your current level of fitness, and your experience. 

What if I don’t know what the exercises in the program are? 

No problem. There is a video that accompanies each of the workouts that briefly demonstrates each of the movements in that workout, along with a couple of form cues. 

What if I can’t do some of the exercises? 

I did my best to give modifications for each of the movements. However, if you find that you are unable to perform the movement with the modification, you may consider skipping that movement altogether or subbing with something else. 

Which format do the workouts come in? 

The workouts are delivered in a beautiful, easy-to-read PDF. 

Will these workouts make me sore? 

Yes, these workouts will probably leave you a bit sore in the beginning. The reason for this is because it’s a style of training that your body isn’t used to.

To help with soreness, I recommend that you ease into things and start conservatively with the weights. Be sure to nourish your body with healthy foods, drink plenty of water, and get in a lot of walking on your non-training days to help aid in recovery. 

How many days per week is the DD program? 

The program is designed to be done three times per week for optimal results, but you could certainly do less than that and still reap rewards. 

What if I am currently doing another training program? 

Use Dumbbell Domination workouts as a finisher to ice off one of your strength training sessions. There is a lot of flexibility with this, so it can be used nicely along with other training programs. 

What’s the refund policy? 60-day money back

Other questions? 

Email me at jen[at]jencomas[dot]com and I’ll answer them.

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