5 Reasons You Can’t Motivate Yourself at Work

There are times when you feel that you can’t get yourself out of bed and go to work. But, then again this happens to everyone. What’s troublesome, however, is if this happens to you on an on-going basis. If you never feel like going to work, perhaps some underlying issues are causing it that have to do with your job, and you can’t figure out what’s wrong.

You might have simply got tired of your job because it’s dull and monotonous. On the other hand, there are also many other factors that may have changed the way you ‘see’ work. Let’s find out.

See Also: Top 10 Ways to Love Your Job More

1. You No Longer Enjoy Work

bored woman at work


It’s possible that your lack of motivation is caused by the fact that you no longer enjoy your work the way you used to. Sure, at first everything was different because you had a lot to learn and had more chances to prove and develop your skills on the job. But after a while, the excitement faded, and you stopped feeling that you were contributing as much as you did in the past. While it makes sense to feel this way, it can have you make you miserable and stressed out.

2. You Need More Challenges

runner jumps


Perhaps what you need to do to feel like yourself again at work is take on more challenges. Instead of doing the same things over and over again, volunteer to take on a project or take an initiative that you think will help the company succeed. Do your research and present your idea to your supervisor, get their feedback and start a project that you want to commit fully to. This will help you regain your lost motivation, and give you the incentive to work on something that challenges you.

3. You Don’t Like the Work Environment

employee talking on the phone


One of the things most workers can’t stand is the toxic environments they are forced to work in. When you feel that your colleagues don’t understand you and can’t work with you, it can be a pretty horrible experience. Even worse, if these guys are making your life a living hell, you can’t expect to have the same excitement for work as when you first started.

Working for a company where the work environment is friendly and encouraging can do wonders and allow people to work productively. But, this can’t be done when other people are simply doing their jobs and don’t care about the other members of their team.

4. You Feel Unappreciated

angry businesspeople


The same happens when you feel unappreciated at work. When your boss doesn’t seem to recognise your efforts, it makes work harder than it already is. Work feels like more of a burden than before. As such you may feel depressed, frustrated and angry at this situation. If this is the case, you need to speak to your manager right away. Addressing your concerns with your supervisor will help you get to the root of the problem and find out what’s wrong.

5. You Are Constantly Tired

tired woman


You may not feel motivated to work simply because you are too tired. Not getting enough sleep at night can leave you feeling tired the next day at work. This negatively affects your focus and decreases your overall performance. The best remedy is to get at least 7 hours of sleep, eat well and exercise regularly.

See Also: How to Improve Your Productivity in the Office

Are you feeling unmotivated at work? Can you figure out why? Let me know your thoughts in the comments section below…;



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