3 Social Media Marketing Tips For Beginners In 2018

What’s up guys Jason Wardrop here in this video. I want to talk about social media marketing tips for beginners in 2018 alright now the reason why I Kind of like came up with this idea to shoot this video is because I’ve had a number of friends actually personally text me reached Out to me, and so I kind of wanted to maybe make this as like a little help for them As they’re going through and growing their business they’re all in different businesses So this could work if you know you’re real estate.

You know on a marketing agency Oh, my god. Friends got want to start a Golf Channel Another friend that’s in network marketing There’s there’s all these different things and it all is pretty consistent when you’re going through and building up your business on social media right now now I’m just so you guys if you guys are brand new to the channel my name is Jason Wardrop And I use these exact strategies yesterday mated twenty thousand dollars in just one day. I’ll actually I’ll throw a little Screenshot right here something like that so you guys can actually believe me see that it’s real There’s no exact strategies that I’ve gone through and used And the cool thing is I was just talking with a friend the other day actually and we were talking about how? Like I started diving into this stuff less than two years ago, okay, so it’s not like it takes you a whole lifetime Let you go if you’re a doctor you’re gonna go and get to spend eight to ten years in school And then you kind of like hit a cap of what you can really go through and make whereas with social media Since you can reach so many people you there’s not really a cap on your income or learning And you could do it fairly quickly alright But there’s a few core things that you need to know as we go through and break this down so step number one guys I’ll try to write it fairly big so you guys can see this and excuse my my terrible handwriting here but number one is gain a Skill okay, so let me just hit this really quick guys So many people this is bugs me and I know it bugs a lot of people They go they try to be the fake expert because like being an expert is Big nowadays because it’s like oh you’re the expert go launch a course and make all this money Well if you don’t have any credibility or authority No-one’s gonna go trust you and you’re gonna make like Pennies compared to like what you really could make now if you think about it If you guys are familiar with Gary Vaynerchuk, which I’m sure so you guys are he is a big-time businessman He’s got millions of followers on all the different social media platforms But the interesting thing is if you guys go look at the beginning of his career And when he first started out he started out with a company called Wine Library, or it was called a Wine Library TV Right he start out with a YouTube channel and would shoot a video every single day to go through and propel His wine business he was selling wine out of his dad’s little shop And he went through it took him to the Internet And then I think they sold that company for like 60 million dollars right so You gotta gain a skill and ideally that skill is something that you’re passionate about right like so when my friends He just texts me yesterday is like hey, man I want to start an Instagram page on our Instagram profile on golf he’s a big-time golfer.

He’s super good at golf He’s in all these big-time tournaments He’s like you know how would I go through and do this and so that’s the nice thing he’s got a skill? Whereas, I’ve got other friends who they want to go through they want to create the big social media following But there’s no one there’s no backstory to them like I’ve got another friend. He is called the bucket list family They’ve got I think close to million followers now. He’s got a cool story He went started an app and sold a snapchat anyway We were in the same business school together, and we were having a few classes together But what he did instead of going through and getting like that necessarily like that skill He built a story around his profile right where it’s like hey. He’s taking his family He sold everything all their belongings And then they’re traveling all around the world and now they’re getting sponsorships and cool deals and stuff like that So he’s got a story behind it whereas most people you’re gonna need to have some type of skill set like You know Gary Vee he went in and he started just like going through and Evaluating wines right or you need to go through learn Facebook Ads if you want to start a marketing agency Or you’ve got to get some I got an another friend He sells courses on Amazon, okay? Or he sells stuff on Amazon he build a course around that and now his personal brands blown up so We got to gain a skill guys that that’s number one If not, then you’re gonna be kind of built on like a deck of cards Okay, go on deck of cards alright So the second thing is going through and this is this part number two is really what I think you guys here for is building a personal brand Okay, so I started about a year and a half ago marking two real estate agents right, and I’ve kind of become the known as The guy okay, he’s the the real estate Legion marketing guy and all that stuff So I’ve worked with now a few thousand real estate agents helping them generate leads Market the business go and I’ll grow that and now I’m kind of starting to help other people Create their own marketing agency, right? So I’ve gone through and I’ve kind of built that personal brand and it didn’t happen overnight and like with Gary Vaynerchuk Didn’t happen overnight he was for years doing that that daily show and just working And he wasn’t like necessarily just like in the branding kind of comes with it, right So when you’re going through and you’re building your personal brand It’s key to pick the right platform where you know your users are gonna be okay, so? Bit my bigger if like if you guys are watching this on YouTube Which you are cuz I’m shooting it for my youtube channel you see I probably have like a thousand subscribers, which is pretty miniscule Right that’s not not that big on Facebook.

I have about 30,000 followers, okay, which is you know it’s getting up there It’s not like a huge falling But it’s a decent size And the reason why I build it up on on Facebook is because there’s a lot of real estate agents a lot of mortgage brokers a lot of real estate brokers on Facebook more so than are on YouTube okay, and so I went through and I built my personal brand on Facebook But then like my buddy he wants to go through and build his He wants to build his Instagram account right so depending on your business You got to know your target market and know where they hang out like for example And one friend.

I was telling you about who’s got he sells on Amazon well Amazon crypto Shopify all that stuff That’s super Hot on YouTube right so if you’re gonna go through and connect with other people you got to make sure you’re using the right Platform where you know like snapchat, it’s gonna be a different following Instagram different following whereas like Facebook now You used to be all like kind of the younger generation and now none of the younger I got some of the younger brothers and none of them are ever on Facebook. It’s kind of like oh, that’s not cool anymore That’s for old people right so you got to pick your right? Platform is you’re going through a building and guys Like I could go through and we could hit different strategies on how to build on Instagram YouTube Facebook all these different platforms But there’s like there’s a million other videos out there on how to do each one of those specifically and there’s guys that like they Specialize in that one platform all right, so we’re not gonna hit that in today’s video I just want to cover a few these key concepts so that you can have a kind of core basic Understanding of some things that you should probably put in place When you’re going through and building up your social media following alright, then the third thing is Okay, this is key to you gotta have some type of product product to Sell okay now this obviously the whole idea behind all of this is that you can go through and make money For your business or make money just for life in general right so You know some people might be starting to be like well, Jase.

I’m not in for the money well Let’s get real at the end of day at some point you are going to be right you’re not gonna want to spend all your time game is skill build a personal brand and then make no money whatsoever okay, so the Products this could be a number of different things, so it could be a digital online course, okay? It could be a software it could be a physical good. Okay like for example, Logan Paul He sells like his maverick merges his t-shirts awesome I don’t know how much she’s gonna be selling now that that u2 is basically banning him or doing some crazy stuff there But you got to have a product to sell or like for example You know my buddy that wants to start the Instagram account for a golf okay? He can maybe have a training on how to go through and improve your putt or your chip shot Or you drive whatever it is.

I don’t I don’t golf something all the different terms, or he could do some type of affiliate deals With links to Amazon where he’s saying hey, I recommend this driver this driver is awesome It’s great to use and then he get a little affiliate cut where you don’t have to manage any of the product the shipping any of that stuff and That super beneficial where you’re probably not gonna make as much money if it’s you just gonna feel They attack the product if you have your own products you’re gonna make a lot more money But that’s another way to kind of like have that hands-free business more of the lifestyle type of business right so This is he right here guys because yes, you can go through and make money from YouTube ad revenue Yes, you can go make money from like brands and sponsorships and all that stuff But honestly that type of money that you can make is like Pennies compared to if you have your own product right so I know people that they’ve got tens of thousands of followers they’ve got hundreds of thousands of followers and They don’t make a ton of money because they don’t have this core back end product nailed down completely Okay, so you got to think about? Okay? If you have 10,000 followers or 30,000 or 100,000? What what kind of like that niche right like what? What is that following based on and what would be? something that they’d all be interested in maybe you could make like you know some t-shirts like a community type t-shirt like Logan Paul at the Maverick brand like a I mention a little bit earlier Or you know Gary Vaynerchuk he had the wine that he was going through and selling so He went through gain a skill set he was really knowledgeable up about wines Okay Build a personal brand around wine initially And then he had the product to sell on the back end okay now one core thing guys I want you guys.

I really want to stress this big-time gaining this skill Okay, if you do not have a skill right now No worries, okay like so that’s kind of where I found myself about two years ago I was I was doing a startup And I was like can’t I know I know some digital marketing stuff and all that stuff But let’s say my startup completely tanked and everything just went to crap and I had to start over completely from scratch Or let’s say even worse like I had actually get a job right like happy for me That would be like the worst thing on the planet so what I thought was like man. You know I’m pretty good at like some of the social media mark and stuff But kind of just been dabbling like I know SEO a little bit. I know a little bit of the YouTube stuff I know a little bit of all these things.

I was like if I really knew how to go sell on webinars buy really new Facebook Ads buy really new email marketing like I’d had these core skill sets that It served not only me, but you know every like a lot of other businesses, okay? So I went through and I spent probably the next I don’t know six and nine months going through and hammering that down really learning that skillset guys believe me It wasn’t easy but as I mentioned guys yesterday made twenty thousand dollars in just one day So if you think about that that was like less than two years ago that I took a step back was like man I need a skill set okay So if I can tell you hey go get a skill set nail it down and then in two years You could potentially be making five grand a day or ten grand a day or twenty grand a day Or I’ve got some buddies that are doing like fifty to sixty grand a day.

Okay, which is insane like I want I want to get to that level like that’s crazy right so anyway guys These are some kind of basic tips as far as how to get started With social media for beginners if you really wanted to build a business around it I highly Recommend gaining some type of skill set right Like get something where you either know a lot about a topic like whether it could be you know wine like Gary Vaynerchuk It could be accounting finance marketing whatever it might be like or you know tan or J Fox Talked a little bit about him on the channel before he knows how to sell on Amazon, right? Or other guys to know how to sell on Shopify or like my skill set was I knew how to generate leads For real estate agents really well, and now you know mortgage brokers and kind of like branch that off from off that okay Then I went through and after I kind of got that core base of like okay these guys I’m generating these form having great crazy success stories.

This is awesome I can now go build my personal brand around it and Now I’ve got a product to sell where we bill out of software. I have trainings I have coaching’s all that stuff And then there’s easy even things like little fingers of pieces that I can build off of that where it’s like now I’ve got my core training teaching Real stages how to generate leads on our software and now I got a whole different training Teaching mortgage brokers how to generate leads on the software because they’re so closely related, right? and now I’ve got a third training of teaching digital marketers right like maybe you might be a digital marketer or marketing agency right and teaching them They go get real estate Clients and mortgage clients now.

I’m just I just started that a month ago because a year year and a half ago Yes, I was getting clients But I wasn’t like getting him on a super consider how to go through and I had to gain that skillset First I had to like make a get a better foundation on that And so once I built that solve foundation, and you know I think today so yesterday we did twenty thousand, and I think today We’ve already had like 50 to 60 new signups or something like that on our software So it’s like I feel like I’ve got that skill set got that nailed down where I? Feel confident where it’s not like the blind leading the blind I know how to lead people to be able to say hey you want to generate real estate leads and And go get real estate clients and market for them and get paid a monthly commission for your marketing services on that Here’s exactly how to do that.

Here’s like the légion campaigns. Here’s how to go through get more people organically so anyway It’s kind of a proven process, but as I mentioned it’s taken time so what I would suggest if you’re completely starting from scratch Right now you don’t have a skill set take the next six months KS. January 2018 January 11th. I think or twelve things – twelve Okay, so January 12 2018 take it till set it to the goal. Okay say by June. You’re gonna Have a solid skill set whether it’s you know hey, you know how to generate leads or? Forfor like you know some type of business owner real stay Insurance whatever or you? Know how to like golf or you know how to you’re really knowledgeable about wine or some topic and then once you do that Go through And you’re helping people right you’re getting some excuse some testimonials experience basically that credibility that authority Then go start building your personal brand around it on the platform that that complements whatever niche You’re going after and then create some type of product to sell to the masses And that’s the beauty about social media right like instead of back in the day when you could only reach your local real estate Agents like we’ve got agents all across the United States and Canada And we’ve now I think they were pretty close to 3,000 agents that have been on our platform and using our Training and all stuff, which which is crazy right like I would have never been able to do that probably 20-30 years ago But now I can do that because we’ve got social media we can connect with so many people right so Anyway guys leave a comment down below.

Let me know your thoughts let me know I’m curious to hear about what you’re trying to go through and build your social media brand on And if you guys leave your thoughts down below I’ll be sure to respond to every single one of you guys if you guys got a question I’ll give you guys some feedback let you know how I can be helpful And if you guys are brand new to the channel my name is Jason Wardrop as I mentioned earlier and if if you’re not Subscribed yet make sure you subscribe because we tried I’ve tried to launch a new video every single day and stuff gets me know It gets piled up so it gets hard sometimes But I try to launch a few videos every single week at least Be able to help you generate more leads make more money and grow your business right so anyway guys Thanks so much for watching today, and we’ll talk to you all later

3 Social Media Marketing Tips For Beginners In 2018

In this video I want to break down some of the basic tips for getting started with social media marketing for beginners. There are a few core fundamentals that are important to know and implement before launching into the whole social media marketing world. So here are some tips you can hopefully learn from

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