Month: August 2015

The Meditation Transformation: How to Relax and Revitalize Your Body, Your Work, and Your Perspective Today

**INCLUDED WITH EACH PURCHASE: After downloading your copy of the book, follow the instructions at the end to receive a free fourteen minute guided meditation!**

Have you ever considered meditating, but didn’t follow through because you thought it wasn’t for you? Have you ever asked, “What exactly is meditation anyway?” If you’ve already begun meditating, do you struggle to know when is the best time and how to go about it?

Meditation is one of the most misunderstood, yet incredibly beneficial practices out there, and chances are that you have a lot of questions. Whether you’re just curious, newly beginning your meditative journey, or already an advanced practitioner, The Meditation Transformation: How to Relax and Revitalize Your Body, Your Work, and Your Perspective Today is an informative and interesting guide to the basics of meditation from A to Z.

Beginning with the all-important “who” and ending with a comprehensive answer to the question “how,” this book will answer many of the following questions:

  • Who should meditate? Find out exactly who the perfect candidates for this practice are. Are you one of them?
  • What exactly is meditation? Though it has been performed for thousands of years, meditation is still a misunderstood activity. What qualifies as meditation?
  • When is it appropriate to meditate? What time of day is best? Should you meditate every day? Discover the answers inside the pages of this book.
  • Where should you meditate? Learn what a good atmosphere for meditation really is. Can you really meditate at work? Or is it best to do so at home, and if so, in which room?
  • Why meditate? This is one of the most significant questions of them all, especially because most of its benefits are so little known. Of course, you are aware that it can reduce stress and bring peace of mind, but what about all of the other spectacular health benefits it can provide? And is it true that regular meditation can really improve your focus and your memory?
  • How do you go about meditating? If you’ve already determined to begin, this is the big question. The various forms of meditation are not one-size-fits-all, so while this book provides you with the basic technique, it also takes you by the hand through several other variations that you can try.
  • Whatever your reasons are, it’s never a bad time to start, and by the time you’ve finished reading this book, you’ll be ready to adopt your own meditative practice as a vital part of your daily life. To learn more about the powerful benefits of meditation and experience them for yourself, download your copy of The Meditation Transformation: How to Relax and Revitalize Your Body, Your Work, and Your Perspective Today now!

Meditation for Beginners

Ease tension and anxiety through the simple art of meditation. Yoga and meditation instructor Maritza guides you step-by-step in the practice of mindfulness so you can calm and center yourself. A 15-minute yoga practice prepares your body, mind and attention for two 20-minute guided relaxation and meditation sessions.
From stress reduction to spiritual awakening, meditation takes you on an inward journey of self-discovery beyond form and appearance to embody your core energy and wisdom and access your highest human potential.

DVD includes:
Mindful Yoga comprehensive yoga program to prepare your body & mind for meditation
Body Scan gain a deeper awareness of your body from head to toe
Seated meditation
In depth interview with Maritza

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Real Happiness: The Power of Meditation: A 28-Day Program

Thousands of years prove it, and Western science backs it: Meditation sharpens focus. Meditation lowers blood pressure, relieves chronic pain, reduces stress. Meditation helps us experience greater calm. Meditation connects us to our inner-most feelings and challenges our habits of self-judgment. Meditation helps protect  the brain against aging and improves our capacity for learning new things. Meditation opens the door to real and accessible happiness.

There is no better person to show a beginner how to harness the power of meditation than Sharon Salzberg, one of the world’s foremost meditation teachers and spiritual authors. Cofounder of the Insight Meditation Society, author of Lovingkindness, Faith, and other books, Ms. Salzberg distills 30 years of teaching meditation into a 28-day program that will change lives. It is not about Buddhism, it’s not esoteric―it is closer to an exercise, like running or riding a bike. From the basics of posture, breathing, and the daily schedule to the finer points of calming the mind, distraction, dealing with specific problem areas (pain in the legs? falling asleep?) to the larger issues of compassion and awareness, Real Happiness is a complete guide. It explains how meditation works; why a daily meditation practice results in more resiliency, creativity, peace, clarity, and balance; and gives twelve meditation practices, including mindfulness meditation and walking meditation. An extensive selection of her students’ FAQs cover the most frequent concerns of beginners who meditate―“Is meditation selfish?” “How do I know if I’m doing it right?” “Can I use meditation to manage weight?”

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Meditation: Meditation for Beginners – How to Relieve Stress, Anxiety and Depression and Return to a State of Inner Peace and Happiness (How to Meditate, … for Beginners, Mindfulness Book 1)

Meditation for Beginners – Learn how meditation can transform your life TODAY!

A ‘meditation for beginners’ guide that will give you life-long peace and happiness.

A regular meditation habit can make you healthier, happier and more successful than ever! This book will teach you exactly how to calm your mind, release tension and “let go” in a way that will change your life forever!

Meditation isn’t about chanting, crystals or playing with an eagle feather. It is a scientifically proven way of taking control of your life by taking control of your mind.

With Meditation for Beginners – How to Relieve Stress, Anxiety and Depression and Return to a State of Inner Peace and Happiness you’re going to learn exactly how to meditate, how to use meditation techniques to calm your mind and how to practice meditation daily.

Meditation for Beginners

Learning how to meditate and developing a regular meditation practice doesn’t have to be difficult. Yes, meditation can seem difficult at first and learning how to take control of your mind can be a challenge, but meditating for only a few minutes a day can help you significantly reduce stress, improve your physical and mental health, maximize your ability to focus and increase productivity.

Buddhism teaches that taking control of your mind through meditation is the only real antidote to stress, anxiety and depression. Scientific studies have validated this and offer proof that meditation CAN in fact change brain chemistry and alter brain waves.

If your meditation efforts have been frustrating, don’t worry. Meditation for Beginners will help you overcome the common obstacles to developing a long term meditation habit.

Meditation is like riding a bike. You fall at first but eventually your ability to meditate becomes easier and your meditation practice becomes the most refreshing and life-giving part of your day.

Meditation for Beginners teaches you:

  • The science behind the amazing benefits of meditation
  • How to meditate in a way that works for you
  • How to create a meditating routine
  • How to make meditation a habit
  • How mindfulness meditation can help you become aware of the present moment
  • How to make meditation the most important activity in your day
  • How to provoke a meditative state
  • How to create an ongoing state of inner peace and happiness
  • How to find time to meditate
  • Guided meditation
  • Mantra meditation
  • Mindfulness meditation
  • Body scan meditation
  • Candle meditation
  • Walking meditation
  • Prayer meditation
  • ….and much more!

    In a step by step way, Meditation for Beginners will walk you through everything you need to know about meditation and how to successfully meditate every day.

    Here’s a Preview of What You’ll Learn…

  • What is meditation
  • The history of meditation
  • The benefits of meditation for the body
  • The benefits of meditation for the mind
  • How meditation works
  • The healing power of meditation
  • Common obstacles to meditation
  • Types and elements of meditation
  • How to prepare for meditation
  • How to practice meditation every day
  • How to make the most of your meditation practice
  • …and more!

    People who meditate regularly experience less worry, anxiety and stress and are more positive and productive. You too can experience the amazing benefits of meditation by downloading this book today!


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    Time Management: The Superhuman Guide To Time Management! – How To Wake Up Early, Get Organized, Increase Productivity, Stay Balanced, And Start Getting … Mangement, Team Building, Get Stuff Done)

    Time Management Superhuman Guide! – Regain Balance And Productivity In Your Life For Good.

    Today only, get this Amazing Amazon book for this incredibly discounted price! Read on your PC, Mac, Smart Phone, Tablet or Kindle Device.

    This Time Management book contains proven steps and strategies on how to quickly and effectively organize your life and schedule! You will learn how to stop dragging your feet and get productive, regain balance in your life, develop new habits, and much more!

    Time management is one of the most important factors that influence how successful you will become. The ability to efficiently manage your time is very important not only for those who want to advance in their careers or in their education, but also for everyone who wants to get the most out of life. With proper time management, you can expect to become a more productive person. People will start looking up to you and many opportunities to advance in life will start to appear. Perhaps most importantly, you will find immense satisfaction at being an efficient and productive member of society.

    This book is a complete resource for anyone who wants to become better at time management. It contains various tips aimed at helping you set your goals, prioritize your tasks, and make effective schedules. This book will also teach you about procrastination, the mortal enemy of both students and employees. While procrastination is powerful, this book shows you methods to protect yourself and maintain your willpower. This book will even teach you how to cope when you succumb to temptation and fail to manage time properly.

    After reading this book, you should regularly practice all the techniques taught in this book. While some of the techniques might be counterintuitive at first, you will soon find that they are actually effective in helping you manage your time. Remember that the more you practice time management, the better you become at it.

    Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn…

    • Why Is Time Management So Important?
    • 25 Time Management Tips To Get Your Creative Juices Flowing
    • How To Get Organized And Create A Time Management Schedule To Start Getting Stuff Done NOW!
    • The Truth About Multitasking And How To Properly Prioritize Your Time And Tasks
    • Tips For Staying Balanced And Scheduling Free Time In Your Day
    • Learn How To Wake Up Early And Start Your Day Off Right
    • How To Find More Time In Your Day Than You Think You Have And Accomplish Your Goals Faster
    • Techniques For Eliminating Procrastination And Ramping Up Productivity
    • What To Do To Get Back On Track When You Lose Willpower And Have A Bad Day
    • How To Evaluate Your Time Management Progress And Set New Goals
    • Much, Much More!

    Download Your Copy Today!

    Tags: Time, Time Management, Superhuman, Procrastination, Stop Procrastination, Goals Willpower, Creativity, Creative Juices, Organization, Be Organized, Increase Productivity, Get Things Done, Stay Focused, Focus, Concentration, Increase Concentration, Stay Balanced, Evaluating Time Management, Management Progress, Complicate Things, Scheduled Time, Habit, Perfectionism, Bad Day, Timed Break, Work Frenzy, Deadlines, Big Tasks, Ramping Up Productivity, Eliminating Procrastination, Start Working, Use Time, Prioritize, Accomplish Your Goals, Consistent Sleep Schedule, Reward Yourself, Sleep early, Increments, Exercise, Outsourcing, Sustained Focus, Multitasking, Avoid Distractions, Time management, Stay Balanced, Increase Productivity, Focused, Eliminate Procrastination, Be Organized, Concentration, Superhuman, Management, Time Management, Productivity, Stay Balanced, Get Things Done, Be Organized, Increase Productivity

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    Manage Your Day-to-Day: Build Your Routine, Find Your Focus, and Sharpen Your Creative Mind (The 99U Book Series)

    Stop doing busywork. Start doing your best work.

    Are you over-extended, over-distracted, and overwhelmed? Do you work at a breakneck pace all day, only to find that you haven’t accomplished the most important things on your agenda when you leave the office?

    The world has changed and the way we work has to change, too. With wisdom from 20 leading creative minds, Manage Your Day-to-Day will give you a toolkit for tackling the new challenges of a 24/7, always-on workplace.

    Featuring contributions from: Dan Ariely, Leo Babauta, Scott Belsky, Lori Deschene, Aaron Dignan, Erin Rooney Doland, Seth Godin,Todd Henry, Christian Jarrett, Scott McDowell, Mark McGuinness, Cal Newport, Steven Pressfield, Gretchen Rubin, Stefan Sagmeister, Elizabeth G. Saunders, Tony Schwartz, Tiffany Shlain, Linda Stone, and James Victore. Plus, a foreword from Behance founder & CEO Scott Belsky.

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    Buddha in Blue Jeans: An Extremely Short Simple Zen Guide to Sitting Quietly

    Poet-philosopher and Zen Priest Tai Sheridan’s ‘Buddha in Blue Jeans’ is an extremely short, simple and straight forward universal guide to the practice of sitting quietly and being yourself, which is the same as being Buddha. Sitting quietly can teach many ways to accept life, meet pain, age gracefully, and die without regret. The book encourages sitting quietly every day. Topics include: Sit Quietly; Care For Your Body; Accept Your Feelings; Give Thoughts Room; Pain is Natural; Be Who You Are; Live Each Moment Well; Love Indiscriminately; Listen to Others; Be Surprised; Wonder; Live gratefully; Do No Harm; Benefit life; A Wish for The World. The book is for people of any faith, religion, race, nationality, gender, relationship status, capacity, or meditation background

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